Profile of the player 'LANDSTURM'


AAR LHTR (Standard/LL): LANDSTURM has got 0 points and played 0 games.

With the axis he played games and won games.
With the allies he played games and won games.

game(s) are ongoing.
He deserted times.

2nd ed (Standard/LL): LANDSTURM has got 908 points and played 7 games.

With the axis he played 2 games and won 0 games.
With the allies he played 5 games and won 3 games.

0 game(s) are ongoing.
He deserted 0 times.

AA50 (Standard/LL): LANDSTURM has got 0 points and played 0 games.

With the axis he played games and won games.
With the allies he played games and won games.

game(s) are ongoing.
He deserted times.

AA Global (Standard): LANDSTURM has got 0 points and played 0 games.

With the axis he played games and won games.
With the allies he played games and won games.

game(s) are ongoing.
He deserted times.

Tournaments: LANDSTURM has got 0 success points in 0 tournaments.

In 0 AA2nd tournaments he got 0 tournament points.
In 0 AAR tournaments he got 0 tournament points.
In 0 AA50 tournaments he got 0 tournament points.
In 0 AAGlobal tournaments he got 0 tournament points.

Personal profile

First name:
Last name:
Year of birth:1973
Zip code:4000


The medals of LANDSTURM

LANDSTURM hat bisher noch keine Orden erspielt !

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