Profile of the player 'DASTIERCHEN'


AAR LHTR (Standard/LL): DASTIERCHEN has got 1268 points and played 3 games.

With the axis he played 1 games and won 1 games.
With the allies he played 2 games and won 1 games.

0 game(s) are ongoing.
He deserted 0 times.

2nd ed (Standard/LL): DASTIERCHEN has got 1565 points and played 39 games.

With the axis he played 6 games and won 6 games.
With the allies he played 33 games and won 28 games.

0 game(s) are ongoing.
He deserted 0 times.

AA50 (Standard/LL): DASTIERCHEN has got 0 points and played 0 games.

With the axis he played games and won games.
With the allies he played games and won games.

game(s) are ongoing.
He deserted times.

AA Global (Standard): DASTIERCHEN has got 0 points and played 0 games.

With the axis he played games and won games.
With the allies he played games and won games.

game(s) are ongoing.
He deserted times.

Tournaments: DASTIERCHEN has got 502 success points in 6 tournaments.

In 5 AA2nd tournaments he got 295 tournament points.
In 1 AAR tournaments he got 60 tournament points.
In 0 AA50 tournaments he got 0 tournament points.
In 0 AAGlobal tournaments he got 0 tournament points.

Personal profile

First name: Andreas
Last name:Pedall
Year of birth:1970
Zip code:95126
Other:only AAR-LowLuck!


The medals of DASTIERCHEN

Medal for 10 DAAK games
Medal for 20 DAAK games
Medal for 30 DAAK games
Medal for 100 Success Points
Medal for 500 Success Points
General of the Army AA2nd 2003
General of the Army AA2nd 2004
Winner Team Cup 2005
Winner Team Cup 2003
Rank of a General 2003

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